Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Best Father's Day Ever When...

This post is part of the Sharing is Caring Father's Day Blog Hop hosted by Life With Lovebugs and Powerful Mothering!

Father's Day is Going to be the Best day when:

In our family its going to be a very special day being I haven't seen my husband and neither have his son's for almost 6 months. In the end of December my husband had to take a new job position but that would lead him over to being reassigned to a new state. We now have the mileage down to a science: 2,081 miles is the shortest distance between him & us. In this time it has been pretty challenging to my boys and myself. I became a single Mom overnight and they had to deal with it being emotional roller-coaster for them. There have been many days and nights of questions and answers that I couldn't always have the perfect way to give them either, but with God we have pulled it through.

This is the Last Picture that was taken with boys & their Dad before he left.


As a father my husband has always been an involved daddy to my boys, for that I couldn't be more ecstatic coming from a family where my dad wasn't always there. He too had issues with his father growing up, so I think he vowed in his mind to always be there for his kids. With this new job assignment it has been really difficult because he has to try and stay connected to his kids through phone calls and pictures. For us its been hard because I'm used to having a partner who was willing to pick up the pieces I was missing or handle some things so I could handle another. It definitely has been a trial on our marriage and testimony in the long run to our boys that Love can Concur All Things!

So with being said I am flying my husband in the day before Father's day this year, to come home not only to visit but to reunite with each other permanently.

I will have the house packed up and off on a moving truck come the 14th, so their won't be much to come home too. But that's not important! What is that we will be reunited and will be taking a new journey ahead of us. We will celebrate Father's Day with the day at church, a day maybe filled with a hike or picnic... can't decide.The kids will have homemade gifts and cards for dad and as always we will make it fun filled day. It really does depends on the heat, after all Arizona is hot this time of year. Although he might just want to eat all the Mexican food he can get since he's been out of it so long.  :) He has me buying up my Mexican seasonings so I can truly make traditional Mexican food when we move. It will be a bit bittersweet saying goodbye to his Mother, Sister and our church family, but we know God has great things in-store for us.

The day itself will be significant that our family will be reunited again once & for all. We will start a driving journey across country and get to see a few more states. Best part is doing it together. You don't know what you have until its gone for 6months and then you know how truly blessed you are in your marriage and family.


  I love being a part of the Hop below: We get to post on topics that are about relevant events Like Father's Day! 

Sharing is Caring Blog Hop
Listed below are other great blogs that have Father's day posts below- DON'T forget to show love, comment on my blog (who doesn't love to hear from followers when you put a post out) below and click on the other blogs to see what their Father's day will be filled with.

Monday, May 27, 2013

SHH.. Its Sunday #4, 5, & 6

Shh... Its Sunday #4, 5, &6

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, life has been a bit hectic.. with all the end of the year events, field trips, 2nd birthday - youngest son turn 5, were amidst packing up our house and Mother's day. Its been a busy month if feels like I'm not even sure where my computer is located lately -unless I'm looking for a rental back in our new place we're calling home again. Please enjoy and I plan on keeping up on this as often as I can. So don't forget about me!

Point of this is to put all my photos I take in a week (or most of them) here because often they just stay in my phone.  Sometimes a picture can say a thousand words! So with that you might say what are they doing in that pic? or what is that? or how did he or we do that? Or what happened... this is where this post doesn't become too silent, I want your comments or feedback! I love sharing with you and I would love to know what you think?

Hopping with my friend "The Seaman Mom" Smiles with us on Mondays! Click the button to see other smiles!

The Seaman Mom

Till Next Time ~ Corey

(as always all photos are mine and you do not have permission for use of them without my say.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Umm oops forgot its was Mother's Day Shh... Its Sunday #4

Shh.. Its Sunday #4

Can't believe I forgot to post.. opps! oh yea I was celebrating Mother's day! Lovely day, even though my husband wasn't here- I had my boys!

Point of this is to put all my photos I take in a week (or most of them) here because often they just stay in my phone.  Sometimes a picture can say a thousand words! So with that you might say what are they doing in that pic? or what is that? or how did he or we do that? Or what happened... this is where this post doesn't become too silent, I want your comments or feedback! I love sharing with you and I would love to know what you think?

Till Next Time ~ Corey

(as always all photos are mine and you do not have permission for use of them without my say.)



Friday, May 10, 2013

Spinal Injections Oh How I love them....

Spinal Injections How I love them - not!

Sorry I haven't written to much lately, don't loose faith.. I've just pushing myself a bit to get things done when I can.

  Tuesday I had 4 spinal injections, this is my 3rd set and I have a 4th set scheduled in 4 weeks before I move. Oh yea did I mention I'm trying to pack too while I'm at it.

Thing have been so busy lately, but I have to start seizing the moments when I can. I have so much packing to do, I've got the moving company scheduled, but having the hardest time finding a rental property in my local area where I need to move to. Their time frame for rental season is off by a month then our is here in Arizona. We get out of school in May as where they get out in June. This tends to be a time when people let rentals go and move. We need one for the 1st so that I can tell the moving company where they're going to drop off. Praying that it is laid before us soon.

The spinal injections set me back days sometimes and I don't feel like I accomplish much in those following days. I don't always get the dishes done and I don't get things around the house done. Even the day of I can't cook. These are the days I wish I had family around to help or my husband. Which I guess will be good when I get back home to Ohio. At least I can call on family for help and have my husband most weekends home.

I did manage to complete 2 task yesterday even though it required me to sit at my desk for a bit.

1- I got my boys enrolled and registered in their new school in Ohio. 

Heartland Christian School 

2- I got my husband his plane ticket scheduled for coming home to drive us out to Ohio, we were waiting on his boss to approve the time off. (Thankfully he gave him a week, when he was only thinking he get 4 days)

The great thing of this is that we will be able to take our time a little bit to say our goodbyes before we leave and spend sometime stopping along the way. Their might be a slight chance to see an old friend of his in Alabama & sit my bum in the sand at the gulf! Oh how I could use a mini vacation in the middle of this chaos of a move! Seriously by the time my husband comes back it will be 6 months since our family has been separated. It will be good to be whole again.

Even in the midst of our chaos.. I get to accompany my son's school on his field trip an its to something that has been on my bucket list to do! This will make a great next blog, as long as I'm allowed to take pictures. His class is going to the Biosphere 2! 

Info can be found here:

I'm truly looking forward to this and seeing it with the kids perspective too. I hope I can take lots of pictures for my own good and to share with you too.

Sneek peeks from their site on FB:

Till Next Time~ Corey

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Shh.. Its Sunday # 3

Shh.. it's Sunday #3

A Week in Photos:


 Salsa Fresca Recipe for Cinco De Mayo - right here on my blog

My Go To Breakfast- right here on my blog!

Point of this is to put all my photos I take in a week (or most of them) here because often they just stay in my phone.  Sometimes a picture can say a thousand words! So with that you might say what are they doing in that pic? or what is that? or how did he or we do that? Or what happened... this is where this post doesn't become too silent, I want your comments or feedback! I love sharing with you and I would love to know what you think?

Till Next Time ~ Corey

(as always all photos are mine and you do not have permission for use of them without my say.)