Monday, April 1, 2013

Great News and a New Look For You!


The TRUNK SHOW/SALE has been extended! So there is still time to shop! Shop now until the 20th of APRIL!

60% will go to my great friend and your new spring look will be yours in just the click of your mouse! (link at the bottom of the post- use it to directly link up and help)



This is my friend Vicky, I am doing a fundraiser to help her and her husband out after some traumatic events have happen to them over the past 6 months.

     So for months now I have seen my friend keep her chin-up through all of her recent trials in her life & husband's. I have known them for... gosh now 12 almost 13years now.. wow surprised myself, (laughing in my head). I truly say to you they are a great friends and always one to make me laugh! From where I sit here in Arizona it has been so hard to look at Facebook to a post one after another about the serious and dangerous things were going on in her life. From October when her foot began to swell up due to infection in it, then to being into November and she was admitted to the hospital for it for this simple infection. It was all bad news from there on out. So much was going on so fast. They didn't like the look of things, blood-work all came back with negative results and she was not fairing well with Doctor's opinions. Soon I heard she would have surgery; I really knew then this was serious. Gangrene had set in her foot and toes. She was shortly rushed into surgery and didn't come back with all she went in with. To hear this I was horrified for her. She had posted that they had taken all of her toes and a good portion of the the side of her foot. She related that it looked like she had been through a shark attack. I've seen some pictures and their pretty gruesome. I couldn't even fathom the pain and the mental anguish she was dealing with, even though she tried to keep smiling through it. After the surgery and recovery period she was placed in a facility for rehabilitation to the extent they could do. For many months she was wheelchair bound and suffering through serious antibiotic treatments and vacuum pump attached to the wound. I myself know how hard its to go from being yourself to a change person. I've had 3 back surgeries and have had deal with knowing I'll never be the same again.

   All with this going on, she was finally able to go home for day visits after learning how to maneuver herself with the chair and crutches. This was a great day for her because living in a nursing facility that wasn't really up to standards in regards to her needs because she was without insurance.
So going home Christmas day would of been great day for her finally to see family and be in her own home except, she came into the bedroom where her husband was laying down from not feeling well and took one look at him and knew he needed to go to the Emergency Room himself. He was admitted after they realized that he had a few silent heart attacks and was put into surgery a day later for a stent in his heart. He needs to have more done, but without insurance you know how that goes. He was told by his doctors that he couldn't return to work.
   So in the past 6 months both of them have been out of work and are recovering from major heath issues.... I was just feeling helpless in how to help them. Then my mind got to working. I saw and participated in another fundraiser for a friend. I was thinking what if I could do the same for them. With me I can only do so much from here in Arizona, but with many other hands makes light work! Then this is where you come in.....

I have set up a fundraiser going on for them through STELLA & DOT!  60% of the sales will go directly to my friends Vicky and Steve Newell. How great is that!

   The fundraiser is from now until the 30th of March.   EXTENDED UNTIL 20TH of APRIL!!

You can go stop in purchase gifts for loved ones, yourself or those lovely events coming up so fast. Examples might be Birthday, Anniversary, Bridal party, Wedding, Graduation, Mother's Day, Because I Love You- gifts. 

What better way to give in 2 ways to yourself or others a gift of beautiful spring flair and then give to those in need. Like I was say 60% of your sale goes back directly to them. I couldn't imagine how much this will have an impact them!.  Go to this link:  Then Click Shop Online! So simple and products you'll fall in love with!

Here's a few pic's of what they have for such stylish design!

Stella & Dot have been spotted on many celebrities and are featured in many fashion and style magazines!

 To your right: Demi Lovato wearing Stella & Dot!
Jennie Garth wearing Stella & Dot earrings!

So don't forget to go to this site directly to help out: 


Linking up with this Hop to Help me- so help them by checking out their pages too!

 photo button_zpsbf9be112.jpg

If you have any questions or you choose to help please comment below! ~ Corey


  1. Thanks for linking up:). Hope you have a great day!! Alice @ The Owl's Skull

  2. Thank-you, for the opportunity! and I look forward to looking around your blog more!
